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ESP32 and Components

IoT Dashboard with ESP32 and AWS IoT or Azure IoT Hub

Objective: Build a basic IoT dashboard to display sensor data on your OLED and stream it to the cloud using AWS IoT Core or Azure IoT Hub.

Components: - ESP32 dev board - 128x64 OLED - Distance sensor (e.g., HC-SR04) - AWS IoT Core or Azure IoT Hub

Steps: - ESP32: Connect the distance sensor to the ESP32 and read the data. - OLED: Display the sensor readings (distance) on the OLED screen. - AWS: Send the sensor data to AWS IoT Core using MQTT. - Use AWS IoT Analytics or AWS CloudWatch to visualize the data. - Azure: Send the data to Azure IoT Hub and visualize it with Azure Time Series Insights or a Power BI dashboard. - Display real-time distance readings on both the OLED and the cloud dashboard.

Learning Outcomes: - Understand how to integrate sensors with IoT platforms. - Explore MQTT communication and cloud-based dashboards for IoT devices.

Required AWS Services: - AWS IoT Core (Free tier: 250,000 messages per month). - AWS IoT Analytics (Free tier includes 2,500 messages per month).

Required Azure Services: - Azure IoT Hub (Free tier: 8,000 messages per day). - Azure Time Series Insights (Free tier for visualizing sensor data).

Gesture-Controlled Cloud Dashboard with Touchpad and ESP32

Objective: Use the 9-button touchpad to interact with the cloud, triggering different actions based on touch inputs, and display feedback on the OLED.

Components: - ESP32 dev board - 128x64 OLED - 9-button touchpad - AWS or Azure

Steps: - ESP32: Connect the 9-button touchpad to the ESP32 and detect touch inputs. - Cloud Integration: Map touch events to different actions. For instance: - Button 1 might trigger sending a message to AWS IoT Core or Azure IoT Hub. - Button 2 might trigger a serverless function (AWS Lambda or Azure Functions). - AWS: Use AWS IoT Core to capture touch events, then trigger an AWS Lambda function to respond with an action (e.g., store data in DynamoDB or send a notification via SNS). - Azure: Use Azure IoT Hub to capture touch events and trigger Azure Functions to respond with actions. - OLED Display: Show which button was pressed and the cloud response on the OLED display.

Learning Outcomes: - Understand how to map touchpad inputs to cloud actions. - Explore serverless functions and event-driven architectures.

Required AWS Services: - AWS IoT Core. - AWS Lambda (1 million requests/month free tier).

Required Azure Services: - Azure IoT Hub. - Azure Functions (1 million executions per month free tier).

Cloud-Connected Environmental Monitor with Gyro/Accelerometer and Distance Sensor

Objective: Build an environmental monitoring system that sends accelerometer/gyro data, as well as distance readings, to the cloud for real-time analysis.

Components: - ESP32 dev board - 128x64 OLED - MPU6050 (Gyro/Accelerometer) - Distance sensor - AWS or Azure

Steps: - ESP32: Read data from the MPU6050 and the distance sensor. - OLED: Display the current sensor readings on the OLED. - AWS: Send the sensor data to AWS IoT Core and use AWS IoT Analytics to visualize trends (e.g., movement patterns or distance changes). - Azure: Send the sensor data to Azure IoT Hub and visualize the data in Azure Time Series Insights. - Explore ways to detect specific conditions, such as sudden movement (based on accelerometer data), and trigger alerts or actions via the cloud.

Learning Outcomes: - Explore IoT data collection from multiple sensors. - Understand cloud-based analysis and visualization.

Required AWS Services: - AWS IoT Core. - AWS IoT Analytics.

Required Azure Services: - Azure IoT Hub. - Azure Time Series Insights.

Rotary Encoder as a Cloud-Controlled Volume Knob for a Cloud-Based Music Player

Objective: Use the rotary encoder to adjust the volume of a cloud-based music player or trigger music tracks stored in cloud storage (AWS S3 or Azure Blob Storage).

Components: - ESP32 dev board - Rotary encoder - PAM8403 amplifier - AWS or Azure

Steps: - ESP32: Connect the rotary encoder to the ESP32 to act as a volume control. - Cloud Integration: Integrate with a cloud-based service to adjust volume or trigger audio playback based on rotary inputs. - AWS: Store audio files in Amazon S3 and use AWS Lambda to play music when the rotary encoder is rotated. - Azure: Store music files in Azure Blob Storage and use Azure Functions to handle playback. - Optional: Integrate the PAM8403 amplifier to build a small speaker system, where the ESP32 controls the volume and music selection via cloud services.

Learning Outcomes: - Explore cloud-based media storage and control using IoT devices. - Understand how to trigger serverless functions from IoT devices.

Required AWS Services: - Amazon S3 (Free tier includes 5 GB storage). - AWS Lambda.

Required Azure Services: - Azure Blob Storage (Free tier includes 5 GB storage). - Azure Functions.

Security System with Cloud Alerts Using ESP32 and Distance Sensor

Objective: Create a simple security system where the distance sensor triggers an alert if an object comes too close. Alerts are sent via AWS SNS or Azure Notification Hubs.

Components: - ESP32 dev board - Distance sensor (e.g., HC-SR04) - AWS or Azure

Steps: - ESP32: Set up the distance sensor to monitor proximity. - OLED: Display the current distance readings on the OLED. - Cloud Integration: If the distance sensor detects an object within a certain range, trigger an alert: - AWS: Send a message to AWS IoT Core, which triggers an AWS Lambda function to send an email or SMS via Amazon SNS. - Azure: Use Azure IoT Hub to trigger an Azure Logic App or Azure Notification Hubs to send an email or push notification. - Optional: Store event logs (e.g., each detection event) in cloud storage (Amazon S3 or Azure Blob Storage).

Learning Outcomes: - Understand how to integrate sensors with event-based cloud notification systems. - Explore cloud-based alerts and data storage.

Required AWS Services: - AWS IoT Core. - Amazon SNS (Free tier: 1 million notifications/month).

Required Azure Services: - Azure IoT Hub. - Azure Notification Hubs (Free tier: 1 million notifications/month).

Gesture-Based Home Automation with Touchpad and Cloud

Objective: Use the 9-button touchpad to control a cloud-based home automation system, allowing users to control devices such as lights or fans via AWS IoT or Azure IoT Hub.

Components: - ESP32 dev board - 9-button touchpad - AWS or Azure

Steps: - ESP32: Connect the touchpad to the ESP32 and detect touch gestures. - Cloud Integration: Map touchpad buttons to different actions. For example: - Button 1 turns on a cloud-connected light via AWS IoT Core or Azure IoT Hub. - Button 2 turns off the light. - Use AWS Lambda or Azure Functions to process commands and send control signals to the devices. - Display the current state of the devices (e.g., lights on/off) on the OLED.

Learning Outcomes: - Learn how to create a cloud-connected home automation system. - Explore MQTT communication for remote control of devices.

Required AWS Services: - AWS IoT Core. - AWS Lambda.

Required Azure Services: - Azure IoT Hub. - Azure Functions.